Oblivion Addiction
So, I've just come off a peaceful weekend where I charged around the countryside carrying a sword and killing bandits. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am a helpless video game addict. When I was in high school, this made me ultra-cool because almost no girls were interested in video games, and I could play Mortal Kombat with the best of them.
Now, as an adult, I have occasional bouts of guilt and mania when it comes to video games. Like this morning, a woman at work asked me what I did this weekend, and I would have been ashamed to reply that I wasted the bulk of my hours sitting in front of my TV playing Oblivion on XBox 360 while my husband sat on the coach reading.
I did other things this weekend, too. I cleaned the house, complete with scrubbing toilets and mopping the floors and the whole nine yards. I did four loads of laundry. I saw An Inconvenient Truth with my husband (possible future blog about that forthcoming). I had dinner with a friend. And, last night, I watched The Family Stone on DVD with my husband. But when the movie was over, my husband went back to his reading, and I hurried to wash my face and get ready for bed so that I could play another half hour of Oblivion.
But fun.
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