Time's # 1

Today I read a story online about the top 25 most used nouns in English, according to the Oxford English dictionary. I was mildly surprised at the #1 word: "time". But I can accept that; I imagine that I say the word fairly often in the context of every day life. When I read the full list, however, I was even more surprised, and a little suspicious of the results.
The list of top 25 nouns: time, person, year, way, day, thing, man, world, life, hand, part, child, eye, woman, place, work, week, case, point, government, company, number, group, problem, fact.
Some words, like "thing", seem to belong on the list. I am struck that there are not more mundane nouns here. Words like "door" and "phone" and "TV." How many times does the average person say "door" in the course of a day? More often than he says the word "point," I'll bet.
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